Beyond the Bean

Baked & Smoked offers a curated selection of handcrafted goods alongside our delicious coffee and tea. Find luxurious body products, stylish mugs, and other delightful finds to elevate your everyday rituals.

Shop our Handcrafted Collections

Sip + Savor

Browse our tantalizing array of culinary delights and aromatic treasures. Our artisanal collection of... 


Our soap collection is a celebration of the art of cleansing and... 

Butters + Salves

Pamper yourself with our luxurious body butters and salves, meticulously crafted in... 

  • The Benefits of Mullein Tea: A Recipe

    The Benefits of Mullein Tea: A Recipe

    Mullein tea offers a wide range of health benefits, making it a popular natural remedy among for alleviating respiratory illnesses, inflammation, and supporting digestive health. 

    The Benefits of Mullein Tea: A Recipe

    Mullein tea offers a wide range of health benefits, making it a popular natural remedy among for alleviating respiratory illnesses, inflammation, and supporting digestive health. 

  • Spilling the Beans: The Science Behind Decaf Coffee

    Spilling the Beans: The Science Behind Decaf Co...

    Decaf coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people opting for a caffeine-free alternative. But have you ever wondered how decaf coffee is made? In...

    Spilling the Beans: The Science Behind Decaf Co...

    Decaf coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people opting for a caffeine-free alternative. But have you ever wondered how decaf coffee is made? In...

  • The Benefits of Fair-Trade Coffee

    The Benefits of Fair-Trade Coffee

    Are you a coffee lover who wants to make a positive impact on the world? Understanding fair-trade coffee is the first step towards enjoying your favorite beverage while supporting ethical...

    The Benefits of Fair-Trade Coffee

    Are you a coffee lover who wants to make a positive impact on the world? Understanding fair-trade coffee is the first step towards enjoying your favorite beverage while supporting ethical...

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